Time Management Tips For Business Owners

Time Management Tips For Business Owners

If you’re running your own business, you must have noticed that it’s necessary to do several things at the same time. You need to be on top of production, packaging, sales, marketing, accounting and all the other departments in your company. Even if you don’t have a large enough company to warrant separate departments for everything, the fact still remains that these things need to get done. And as a business owner, it’s up to you to make sure that everyone is doing their jobs. (more…)

Time Management And Multitasking

Time Management And Multitasking

Time Management and Multitasking | The Myth & The Facts

Have you ever found yourself trying to take a phone call, answer your emails, and eat your lunch all at once? If so, you’re probably one of the many people who believe that multitasking is an effective time management skill. In fact, you may even find that you enjoy the feeling of multitasking. Researchers have found that multitasking is actually addictive – it causes our bodies to produce dopamine, which is a “reward chemical” that makes us feel good. So not only is multitasking a socially appropriate way to look productive, but it also makes us feel good on a physical level. (more…)

3 Time Management Apps That Reveal Where You’re Wasting Time

3 Time Management Apps That Reveal Where You’re Wasting Time

3 Time Management Apps

Time is one of the most valuable resources, but it’s something you can’t buy or sell. When you waste time on something, you can never get that time back, but lamenting over lost time isn’t productive. Instead of lamenting over lost time, you can use a time management app to control your life better. You might want to use several time management apps to manage your time as best as you can. (more…)

Boost Your Productivity With These Time Management Tips

Boost Your Productivity With These Time Management Tips

Time Management Tips To Skyrocket Your Productivity

Do you sometimes feel like you didn’t get enough accomplished by the end of the day? You worked your butt off but wonder why you don’t have anything to show for it. If you’re experiencing this problem, then you could benefit from implementing a few time management tips that result in a boost in productivity. Here are five effective time management tips for increasing your productivity: (more…)

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