An agonist. While an antagonist blocks an action, the agonist causes it to happen. Even more than a muse, a professional agonist might be exactly what you need to provoke your best work.

And of course, a procrastinatrix. Someone who’s only job is to hold you accountable for getting it done, now, not later.

In a world with fewer bosses than ever, when we are our own boss, these two functions are more important than ever. If you can’t find a way to do it for yourself, spend the time and the money to find someone to do it for you. Neither job is particularly difficult to do, but it’s hard to do to yourself. Two more job titles for the future.

My thanks to Seth Godin for the text above. These words resonated with me today as I looked at a To-Do list containing over 180 different items. Sometimes one can get lost in the lists and lose sight of the important tasks. I wasn’t really procrastinating, but certainly could have used an agonist right at that very moment to nudge me into action. May a 180 task list isn’t so bad if you create a system to prioritize things. The biggest problem with a list this long is that it takes forever to complete everything on the list. It might be okay if the plan was not to add anything to the list until it is completed, but that is likely to prove impossible.

What do you think? Could you get some benefit from an agonist or a procrastinatrix?

How would you manage 180 tasks on a To-Do list?

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